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(2 edits)

how do i unlock the "patter,hugger,kisser" skills can someone help please

and also how do i gain more reputation

Those skills (and all skills with grey background) are not available in this version yet.

Doing guild quest will give you reputation, you can start doing guild quest after you finish the related main quest (the one with Naomi).

Ok so I was trying to be run the game on my phone using Joi Play emulator and it says there's an error in a specific file .

Any idea how to fix this cause I can't find the full version of the game made especially for Android anywhere .

The error shows this

Fri Feb  3 12:20:43 2023

Unknown platform.


Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.00s

Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.00s

Manufacturer realme model RMX3612

Screen diagonal is 5.49813099557 inches.

Early init took 0.07s

Early init took 0.07s

Android searchpath:  /storage/emulated/0/Download/MEGA Downloads/TheDailyLifeofThePanHero-0.4.4-pc/game

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/", line 326, in bootstrap

  File "renpy/", line 390, in main

  File "renpy/", line 244, in index_archives

  File "renpy/", line 129, in read_index

  File "/data/user/0/cyou.joiplay.renpy/files/renpy/compat/", line 45, in loads

    return cPickle.loads(s)

ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 5

Before loading the script.

ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 5

I haven't learn how to port it to android or joi play yet, so I have no idea what's causing the error.

Well no worries now

I somehow fixed it ( Idk how)😂

I feel I was cheated!! I'm trying to get every perks that available in the current update(0.4.2) then when I'm about to do the pat, hug, and kiss they're not obtainable!! I was like a idiot finding a solution to pat them or even hug them but then, I look on the skills and see them but... BUT IT'S NOT AVAILABLE YET!! but anyway I love your game though I lost my old save but it didn't stop me for playing it again.❤♥

Hey if possible i think it would be smart to make a tutorial on how to install the ipatch also, what are the patch versions of the game?

There's already an instruction on how to install the ipatch on the download page, isn't it? Or do you mean something else?

The patch versions is 0.4.3 right now. If you download the full game, no need to download the patch 0.4.3. 

Though there might be some bugfix patch soon, but you don't always have to download the patch if you don't find any bugs in your current play-through.

(2 edits)

found a error while doing cook my meat quest (guild) dosnet say her name, says hey... store.othergirl object at 0x000000002ca41340 found jane trains self :3 which was my orignal text

Thanks for the report, I will fix this

there are no hints for each character to get the latest visuals, why not? :( I've been playing this game for 12 hours but it's only grinding coins

Sorry, I don't get what you mean by the latest visuals?

If you mean hints for available events/contents, you can go to the notebook on your room, and see what events are still available (or not yet seen) in your current gameplay. Or if you have seen it all and only mini events are left, the notebook will tell you that as well.

Can I get a breakdown of how many quests to do for each guild tag please?

The guild rank up hasn't been implemented yet, there will be a main event for the first rank up. But basically it'll just follow the reputation level.

Understandable. Thank you for the quick reply.


Footfetish/ footjob?


In the future, also optional

will we have this for the launcher?

I haven't learn how to port the game to that, so unlikely.

dang ok well whenever you do i can't wait to play your gam

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

ScriptError: could not find label 'claudia_quest_3'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "E:\Games2\TheDailyLifeofThePanHero-0.3.3-pc\renpy\", line 274, in bootstrap


  File "E:\Games2\TheDailyLifeofThePanHero-0.3.3-pc\renpy\", line 660, in main


  File "E:\Games2\TheDailyLifeofThePanHero-0.3.3-pc\renpy\", line 146, in run


  File "E:\Games2\TheDailyLifeofThePanHero-0.3.3-pc\renpy\", line 938, in run_context

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 2444, in script call

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 440, in script call

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 461, in script call

  File "event_screen_map.rpyc", line 2129, in script call

  File "event_screen_map.rpyc", line 245, in script call

  File "event_screen_map.rpyc", line 2152, in script call

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 409, in script call

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 2444, in script call

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 440, in script call

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 461, in script call

  File "event_screen_map.rpyc", line 2129, in script call

  File "event_screen_map.rpyc", line 245, in script call

  File "event_screen_map.rpyc", line 2152, in script call

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 409, in script call

  File "E:\Games2\TheDailyLifeofThePanHero-0.3.3-pc\renpy\", line 927, in lookup

    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))

ScriptError: could not find label 'claudia_quest_3'.

Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64


The Daily Life of The Pan Hero 0.3.3

Mon Jan  2 15:22:53 2023

(1 edit)

Try downloading the 0.3.6 patch (Not Update) and 0.3.7 patch, that should fix this bug.

For the 0.3.6 patch, go into the game folder where the exe files is located, delete everything EXCEPT the /game/ folder, that includes the exe files, /lib/ folder, and /renpy/ folder, then extract all files and folder into the Game Folder, where the exe files was located.

For 0.3.7 patch, extract them then put the .rpa files in the folder where all other .rpa files are located. For PC, it's in /GameFolder/game/ For Mac, it's in /

Edit : My bad, you're supposed to download 0.3.6 patch, not 0.3.6 update.

I was able to play version 0.2 on my notebook laptop (windows 8.1). The current version I can't. I don't have a home pc. Am I s.o.l. on playing this fantastic game or is there something I can do to get it to work?

Did you download the full game? And what happened when you try to play it?

I downloaded the 3.6 full game along with the 3.7 patch. I installed the patch and tried playing and got a message stating it wouldn't work on my notebook. Re-downloaded 3.6 and tried without the patch, same results.

Hmm, I'm not sure what's preventing it from playing. Renpy (the game engine) should work on windows 8.1, and I can't find similar problem on the internet.

Sorry, I wish I could help more.

(1 edit)

I dug my old laptop (windows 7.1) out of storage and tried it on that and it came up with a message that basically said that the exe won't work on a 32 bit system. Is it possible the exe is for 64 bit system only?

Oh, yeah I think that's it. Between 0.2 and 0.3 version of Pan Hero, I updated Renpy to the 8.0 version which has discontinued 32 bit support according to this

Can this game be run on Android using joiplay?

I haven't done anything to make it available to port to android, but I've never used joiplay either, so I'm not sure, maybe not?

I get an error message whenever I try to accept Claudia's first quest.

I'll look into it, and if you can copy paste the error message here, that'll be really helpful

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

ScriptError: could not find label 'claudia_quest_3'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "E:\AG\TheDailyLifeofThePanHero-0.3.6-pc\renpy\", line 274, in bootstrap


  File "E:\AG\TheDailyLifeofThePanHero-0.3.6-pc\renpy\", line 660, in main


  File "E:\AG\TheDailyLifeofThePanHero-0.3.6-pc\renpy\", line 146, in run


  File "E:\AG\TheDailyLifeofThePanHero-0.3.6-pc\renpy\", line 938, in run_context

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 2444, in script call

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 440, in script call

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 461, in script call

  File "event_screen_map.rpyc", line 2129, in script call

  File "event_screen_map.rpyc", line 245, in script call

  File "event_screen_map.rpyc", line 2152, in script call

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 409, in script call

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 2444, in script call

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 440, in script call

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 461, in script call

  File "event_screen_map.rpyc", line 2129, in script call

  File "event_screen_map.rpyc", line 245, in script call

  File "event_screen_map.rpyc", line 2152, in script call

  File "mechanics_openworld.rpyc", line 409, in script call

  File "E:\AG\TheDailyLifeofThePanHero-0.3.6-pc\renpy\", line 927, in lookup

    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))

ScriptError: could not find label 'claudia_quest_3'.

Windows-10-10.0.19043 AMD64


The Daily Life of The Pan Hero 0.3.6

Wed Nov 16 06:20:10 2022

Thanks, will dropping the patch soon.

Download 0.3.7 patch, it should fix the bug. Thanks for the report!

That fixed it thanks for the patch.

How do you install patch?

The incest patch? Extract the zip folder to the /TheDailyLifeOfThePanHero/game/ folder where the other .rpa files are.


Finally its here!!

(1 edit)

Pc google drive download dont work. Can you fix this?

Never mind got it on mega but still won't work on joiplay for android sad day for me thought I could've played it this time

The link is working just fine for me though(?)

Yeah, I haven't don't any work for android port, as it might not be so simple with the button size and stuff. And I still want to focus on the content first, but maybe someday.

Some errors in the writing such as putting on where you should put in or vise versa, but other than that this game is great, good writing aside from the spelling errors and its really funny, good visuals too.

Thank you for your feedback! English is not my first language so grammar and typos are still one of biggest adversaries in this development. But I've started using grammarly and I have someone helping with the proofread, so hopefully it'll improve.

You should absolutely put a link to your Patreon in the More Information box

Thanks for the suggestion! Did that just now.

(3 edits)

still waiting for updates... 🥺                                                                           👉👈

every day waiting for a new update

Join our discord server to see the weekly progress update that might include sneak peeks as well :)

Love the game waiting for more updates!

Can you make it compatible with joiplay on android? :(

I'll see what I can do. But no promise.

In the meantime, I think you can request someone to make unofficial android version. I don't know who that is, but there's someone like that out there.

Now that it's updated, I finally got around to giving this a try.

I was surprised by how awkwardly believable the prologue was. Ah, the bittersweetness of a failed first love.... Kinda hit home, ngl.

The 'Moon is beautiful' bit was especially nice. I really didn't expect that.

Oh, Mom(Mira) stil isn't caalling me anything than MC instead of my typed in name though.

That and minor grammar hiccups here and there, so far so good! Keep it up!

Thanks for the feedback!

Well, I added some real life experience to the prologue, maybe that's why :)

The bug will be fixed in the patch that I will upload soon.

Yup, the grammar will only improve after I managed to hire a proof reader or an editor, and thank you!

(2 edits)

well, English is my first language so hey, you need some editing/proofreading?

That said, the writing really only needs some minor work compared to other itch VNs so awesome job so far!

And yeah, adding a bit of 'reality' usually tends to help.

Glad you were willing to share a glimpse of that nostalgic awkwardness.

Thanks for the offer! But I'm not in a position to hire anyone financially. But I'll keep you in mind and will contact you when I'm able to hire someone. But I really appreciate it :)

No problem!


This game has the most epic bloody fighting scene I have ever encountered in similar adult renpy games! The protagonist is very cool! All the girls look good! The fantasy background lore for this game also looks solid and well thought out! I like to be able to have control over the protagonist's feelings and actions. I like that it seem to be that the game gives the player very meaningful choices.

The only thing I disliked is that the game almost made me rage quit two times, when the protagonist unavoidably had sex with the girls in his dreams. I mean I hate to have no control over what's happening, but if it was just a nightmare, well, okay I guess I can accept it.

The other thing slightly bothering me about the future of this game is the so called "sandbox" gameplay, that will be probably implemented in the next version. I hope the story quality will not drop down and it won't turn into a f**k simulator only with short repeatable minievents and minigames.

Anyway, thanks and good luck for further developing it!



Thanks for your feedback!

Wait, let me get this straight, you prefer if you can avoid having sex in this game?

And regarding the sandbox, it will turn into like that, but there's still going to be long events that progress the story in every update. But there's also going to be a story mode where you basically don't have to do any mini events or mini game to progress the story.

(1 edit) (-2)

To be precise I prefer to have sex only with the girl I love, and prefer to avoid having sex with the others. And I'm not against harem games if the game lets me choose which girls I take into my harem. I only dislike enforced, unavoidable harem games, where the protagonist unavoidably gets into relationship with everyone regardless of user choice.

Story mode sounds good for me, the story is the soul of every game. You made a good into story, because you actually care about making a good game.

Thanks for letting me know about the plans with the sandbox part.



I see, thank you for your feedback!

I am planning to make friendship/love routes, that's why some sex scenes can be avoided. 

But the thing is there's lots of main characters, and if I made both routes for all of them, it might made the update really slow, so I'm thinking of making the harem routes first, then the friendship routes much later.

I'm still undecided right now. I think I can just make the difference in both routes only a little, so it won't take too much time in making both routes. In the meantime I will make it so that some sex scenes are avoidable.

Regarding the dream sex, there's a reason why it's unavoidable. And for the reason itself, hopefully it'll become clear in the future events, though you can guess a little based on what already happened. But you're right, you can think of it as a nightmare for now.

(1 edit) (-1)

I agree, your time is limited, so it's reasonable to first focus on the common route, (or harem route).

And now that I think about it, indeed there are a lot of characters in this game, so writing in parallel each girls full route would require too much time.

Also, I guess it would be very problematic to write a long complete full route for each of the girls after finishing the writing of the harem route, because it may cause a fight amongst your fans, to decide the order in which the girls would get their full routes written.  :D

So I think that maybe the better choice would be to make a long common route with many short small brief branches which quickly converge back into the same linear story line of the harem route, in a way, that the player can still feel that his choices matter, even though the story is moving forwards in one direction until the ending. In this way after completing the harem ending you would just need to add short alternative endings for each girl instead of readjusting the full plot for every route.

I can also approve of the nightmare scenes, or creepy mysterious glitch scenes because they add some good suspense to the story, and can also satisfy those players who do not really care about the characters feelings, because they are just only lusting after sex.

Anyway, thanks for sharing this nice game for free :)

Never liked games that force you into sexual content and just assume you're good with it. Adding the choice to nope out is always nice, even if most people won't use it

Why doesn't this have the Erotic or Eroge tags


Edited, thanks for your suggestion!

You're welcome, but why just add the Eroge tag and not the Erotic one?


Only able to add 10 tag, I'll research later which tag is more popular after I finished the update.

(1 edit)

Hey man, so... I just started this game and I want to give you a review. As far as I saw, this game is rly promising. The bandit scene was rly cool, Im glad u did the MC killing them all, even it could be a little bit gore, but this isnt a kids game anyway. Im tired of pussy MC, scared to fight, scared to fuck, scared to do anything in the beginning. The map with a lot of locations is a huge plus for the game, thats what made me get this game. The characters are nicely done, u didnt made them ugly, nor the girls or the MC (I saw some ugly characters in other games). The story is ok, perhaps a little basic with "moving in the city" or whatever, but its not sth bad, dont worry, plus, I havent played a lot yet, just got to the family cute foursome (Im a degenerate, I know, dont mind dont care). Im looking forward for more content and Im going to leave some suggestions in the future, maybe after I finish this version. Kisses :* 

Edit, I finished the game. Short. So short. But promising. Im encouraging you to continue this. It could turn in a great game! 

OK, so as other guy said, u should add name of the locations on the map, and perhaps make easier to move through my own house xd. U could add more fetishes (no ntr), but I guess its planned already. I would personally like to see something like yandere and maybe slave routes, bdsm is nice too. U could split the quests in story and side quests, and make some quests secret, like we need to do sth specifically or be somewhere to trigger them. I like the shit ton of skills and perks, u could add more xdd, and I like the owning businesses ideea very much. U can even make them upgradable or customisable. Maybe. With girls to hire, and u know where Im going from here :).


Thank you for your review :)

The navigation will be fixed in the next update, including location names and home map for easier navigation.

That's a lot of suggestion, thank you! I'll see what I can do.

I feel maybe the floating icons (for doors and locations on map) could show names of what the rooms are and names on arrows of where they go to.... Cause it took me like 10+ min to find the bathroom in the house...

Thanks for your suggestion, the navigation will be fixed on the next update :)

are the patches auto installed or  do i have to download them individually? also the opening back story hurt lol 

If you're talking about 0.1.1 patch, you only need to download it if you have the 0.1 version. If you already download the 0.1.1 version of the game, you don't have to install the 0.1.1 patch.

If you have the 0.1 version or if you're talking about incest patch, then you need to download them individually, extract the inside of the zip folder into the /Pan Hero folder location/game/

Deleted 2 years ago

if you use incest patch, then yes. 

The dad situation will be revealed in the future updates, but you can pretty much guess it at this point why they never talked about them, there's some subtle hints too (though probably still not enough to correctly guess it). 

There will be no NTR, as one of the main event imply. Any plot that looks like it's going to be an NTR is actually a fight against NTR, like how beast MC killed the bandits mercilessly. 

There will be impregnation (optional), but it will only go as far as dialogue change and insemination picture during sex animation, but no pregnancy. It's hard to implement optional pregnancy since the story will always going forward. 

Well this is a harem game, so all main character will get an equal focus on their story, but Mira is also a main character.

I hope that answer your questions :)

Deleted 2 years ago

I like the characters and the premise, but navigating this game is a chore. The geography of the house alone is absolute madness. If nothing else, some sort of quick travel with some sort of indicator of who, if anyone, is at a given location would be a godsend.


Thanks for your feedback :)
The character location indicator is already planned in the future updates, but a fast travel directly to their location is a good idea.


Absolutely agreed! Quick Nav buttons to just go to the room we're looking for would be a 37/10 implementation alone.

Played it last night, had a lot of fun, though you need to work a little of some consistency: MC was told by family that he was out for 5 days, yet when talking with Sara and Kat, it was told as 3. Otherwise, lot of fun and content for a first release! One of the funniest things I saw was the whole "fail at tossing the stone", and the fact that both of them failed...Priceless! Keep up the good work!


Thanks for the report! Yeah at first I made it 3 days, but changed it to 5 days later on and must've missed that one when changing it, I guess I really need to be thorough during the QC :(
Well, lesson learned, thanks for the feedback too, glad you like it :)

There were several spelling/grammar errors in the game. I don't want to try to list them all, but I think the most common one was the word "against" was misspelled "againts" in multiple places, including a wanted poster.


Thanks for letting me know :)

Finished all the available content, an amazing start with amazing potential. Really impressive amount of content for the first release. Can't wait for the updates

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for your feedback :)
And thanks for the report too, I will fix it asap.


While running out of the cave, Kat calls the player "MC". Also, at the beginning of event_kat.rpyc, there's a call to scene e_kat_001_001, but it says "Image 'e_kat_001_001' not found."

Thanks for the report, I will fix it asap.

Got this error when clicking on Kats tracker page in the morning before having the bath

Keeps happening ever after going to the mansion

(1 edit) (+1)

This missing image happens during the first day of work. Lots of images are also missing. 002 003 004 005 008 011 014 016 018 020 022 023 024 025 026   027 is missing and supposed to be at the riverbank. 028 029 and many more but I'm going to stop noting them.

It gets up to 093 missing and then we get pictures back


Okay, I found out what's going on, one of the folder is not compressed, so I will upload a patch soon containing all the missing images.
If you already passed the event and do not wish to go back, you should be able to access the event through event replay through Kat character page.
And Kat character page should be accessible after I upload the path.

Ok, this comment is actually important, you really need to add location labels. Like when you hover over a location you can go to, you should be told what it's called. If you want to keep some things secret, you can give the location one name to start and then change it like after we learn the relevant information. As a simple example, a building could be labeled Warehouse, and then changed to Bandit Warehouse when we learn bandits are using it.

The icons are great, I just think labels would help too.


Thanks for the suggestion, that's a great idea, I will add that in the next update.

I know most players are going to be straight, but as a bisexual, I just want to say, badass demon MC is so fucking sexy.


I haven't finished the intro with Erica yet, but knowing she's a "side girl"

and the "one who got away", I feel her introduction is kinda too long. 

Don't get me wrong, I like her, she's cute and kind, but knowing she's a side character kinda makes the whole thing a tease

The mom and sisters being three of the main girls does make up for it though


Thanks for your feedback :)
The reason her introduction is long is because it's also supposed to be mc's introduction. The reason I made her into a side character is because moving forward she won't appear much in the story, but if she's popular enough, she might become a main character in a certain part of the story too.

Cool, thanks for the explanation

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